2009 Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma
2009 2011-07-11 at the Wayback Machine, Gagosian Gallery, London
2008 Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao
2008 Photographs 1951—2007, Huis Marseille stichting voor fotografie, Amsterdam
2008 Lepanto. Cy Twombly, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
2008 Say Tvombli, Tate Modern, London
2007 2011-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, Gagosian Gallery, Roma
2007 2011-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, Nyu-York
2007 Schirmer/Mosel Showroom, Münhen
2007 Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Sürix
2007 Blooming — Collection Lambert, Avinyon
2006 Heykəllər, Alte Pinakothek, Münhen
2005 2009-03-07 at the Wayback Machine, Nyu-York
2005 Lepanto, İncəsənət Muzeyi, Hyuston
2005 Fifty Years of Works on Paper, Whitney Museum of American Art, Nyu-York
2004 Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Sürix
2004 2011-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, Gagosian Gallery, London
- 2004 Say Tvombli: Fifty Years of Works on Paper, Serpentine Gallery, London
2004 Pompidu Mərkəzi, Paris
2003 Say Tvombli Ermitajda, Ermitaj, Sankt-Peterburq
2003 2011-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, Nyu-York
2002 Сай Твомбли: letter of resignation, Zwirner & Wirth, Nyu-York
2002 Schirmer/Mosel Showroom, Münhen
2002 Lepanto, Alte Pinakothek, Münhen
2002 Audible Silence, Cy Twombly at Daros, Daros Exhibitions, Sürix
2002 2011-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, Nyu-York
2001 Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Sürix
2001 The National Gallery of Art, Vaşinqton
2000 2009-03-07 at the Wayback Machine, Gagosian Gallery, Nyu-York
2000 Die Skulptur, 66 Werke, Kunstmuseum Basel, Bazel
1998 Eight Drawings Plus One Large Painting, Baldwin Gallery,
1998 Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln
1997 2011-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, Gagosian Gallery,Nyu-York
1997 Cheim & Read, Nyu-York
1997 Xavier Hufkens,
1996 Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills, Беверли Хиллз, Kaliforniya
1996 Kukje Gallery, Seul
1995 Retrospektiv, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
1995 Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
1994 L&M Arts, Nyu-York
1994 Retrospektiv. Museum of Modern Art, Nyu-York
1994 Gagosian Gallery, London
1994 Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Sürix
1993 Matthew Marks Gallery, Nyu-York
1990 Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Sürix
1989 Gagosian Gallery, Nyu-York
1987 Kunsthalle Düsseldorf,
1987 Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
1981 Works on Paper 1954—1976, Orange County Museum of Art,