Kitabxanaların qəsdən və ya təsadüfən məhv olunması və ya ciddi şəkildə zədələnməsi halları baş verir. Bəzən kitabxana mədəni soyqırım forması kimi qəsdən məhv edilir.

yanğın nəticəsində məhv olundu, 1879.
Varşava üsyanının süqutundan sonra Nasist-Alman Marka Komando tərəfindən Krasinski Kitabxanasında qəsdən yandırılmış ən qiymətli Polşa inkunabulasının külləri və əlyazmaların olduğu qab

Kitabxanaların təsadüfən insanlar tərəfindən məhv edilməsinə dair nümunələr mövcuddur. Digərləri zəlzələ, daşqın və ya təsadüfi yanğınlar kimi təbii fəlakətlər nəticəsində zərər görüb.

Əsrlər boyu kitabxanalarda yanğınlar təsadüfi olaraq baş verib — görkəmli nümunələrə İsgəndəriyyə Kitabxanasının dağıdılması, Hindistanda Kitabxanasının dağıdılması və Almaniyanın Veymar şəhərində təsadüfən yandırılması daxildir.

Səbəbləri və qarşısının alınması

Keçmişdə kif bir çox kitabxanada ciddi problem hesab olunurdu, buna görə də kitabxana dizaynı, məsələn, bitişik mərtəbələrdə rəflərin altında boşluqlar buraxaraq hava axınının artırılmasını vurğulayırdı. Yanğın baş verdikdə, xüsusən də yuxarı mərtəbədən başqa hər hansı bir mərtəbədə başlayarsa, alov hava axını ilə mərtəbədən mərtəbəyə daşınacaq ki, bu da asanlıqla bütün kitabxananın yox olmasına gətirib çıxaracaq.

Texnologiyanın inkişafı kitabxananın kolleksiyasının yanğın nəticəsində məhv olma ehtimalını azaldıb. Bunlara su çiləyiciləri, yanğın qapıları, dondurucular, siqnalizasiyalar, tüstü detektorları, yanğın söndürmə sistemləri və qəza generatorları daxildir. Köhnə kitabxanalar adətən hava axınının açılışlarını bağlamaq və yanğın qapıları, siqnalizasiya və çiləyici qurğuların quraşdırılması ilə əvəz olunur. Kondisioner kif problemlərini azaldır. Bütün bunlar yeni kitabxana dizaynının vacib hissələridir.

Kitab yandırıldıqdan sonra onu bərpa etmək mümkün deyil, ona görə də ümumiyyətlə qəbul edilir ki, yanğını su ilə söndürüb sonra kitabları qurutmaq daha yaxşıdır. Kif kağızı məhv etdiyi üçün kitablar quruyana qədər dondurulur. Qeyd olunan proses kitabı zədələyəcək, lakin onu məhv etməyəcək və informasiya toxunulmaz qalacaq.

Yanğın və ya digər səbəblərdən zərərin baş vermə ehtimalını azaltmaq və dağıdıcı hadisədən sonra bərpa üçün tələb olunan vaxtı azaltmaq üçün kitabxanaların fəlakətin idarə edilməsi və bərpa planına ehtiyacı var.

Bundan əlavə, xüsusilə tarixi kitabxanalar üçün vaxtaşırı yanğın təhlükəsizliyi yoxlamaları aparılır. Məsələn, Konqres Kitabxanası 2000-ci ildən bəri hər il yoxlamalardan keçir. 1995-ci il Konqresin Hesabatlılığı Aktından əvvəl Konqres Kitabxanası və bütün Capitol Hill binaları təhlükəsizlik qaydalarından azad idi. Tarixi qoruma və müasir təhlükəsizlik standartları arasında tarazlıq çətin olduğunu sübut edir, çünki "hətta Konqres Kitabxanasının 1997-ci ildə başa çatdırılmış 12 illik təmiri də bir çox yanğın təhlükəsini aradan qaldıra bilmədi". Bununla belə, ABŞ-ın Uyğunluq Ofisi nəzərdən keçirilməsindən sonra, Konqres Kitabxanası “mümkün olan ən yüksək təhlükəsizlik səviyyəsinə nail olmaq” mövzusunda öhdəliyini açıqladı və “Kapitolinin və Konqres Kitabxanasının Memarı hər üç ayda bir tərəqqi barədə məlumat verəcəyini bildirdi”.

İnformasiya texnologiyaları — yanğından hərtərəfli qorunmanın başqa bir səbəbidir. Kitabxanalarda bu qədər kompüter olduğundan, daha çox istilik yaradan və potensial yanğın mənbələrinin sayını artıran daha çox çıxışın istifadəsini tələb edən "yer sahəsinin azalması və daha kiçik, daha güclü kompüter sistemlərinin artması" var. Hələ 1950-ci illərdə kompüter avadanlığının və onun yerləşdiyi binaların potensial təhlükələri tanınırdı. Beləliklə, 1962-ci ildə Milli Yanğından Mühafizə Assosiasiyası elektron kompüter sistemləri üçün xüsusi olaraq tətbiq edilən ilk təhlükəsizlik standartlarını hazırlamağa başladı. Bu standart NFPA 75 İnformasiya Texnologiyası Avadanlığının Mühafizəsi adlanır. FM Global Data Sheet 5-32 yalnız yanğından deyil, həm də sudan, enerji itkisindən və s.-dən qorunmaq üçün tövsiyələri ehtiva edən başqa bir standartdır.

İnsan faktoru

Şəkil Kitabxananın adı Şəhər Ölkə Dağıdılma tarixi Səbəbkar/lar Dağıdılmanın səbəbi və/və ya təsviri
  Aşşurbanipalın kitabxanası Nineva Yeni Assuriya çarlığı E. ə. 612-ci il babillilərin, skiflərin və midiyalıların koalisiyası Nineva eramızdan əvvəl 612-ci ildə dağıdıldı qədim İran xalqı olan babillilər, skiflər və midiyalıların koalisiyası. Ehtimal olunur ki, saray yanğını zamanı gildən olan mixi lövhələrin qismən yanmasına səbəb olan böyük yanğın kitabxananı məhv etmişdi. Potensial dağıdılma hadisə lövhələrin qorunub saxlanılmasına kömək etdi. Gil lövhələrdəki mətnlərlə yanaşı, üzvi təbiətinə görə itirilən bəzi mətnlər mum lövhələrə həkk olunmuş idi.
  və Dövlət arxivi Syanyan Sin sülaləsi E. ə. 206-cı il Sin imperatoru Er Şi-ə qarşı üsyan edən eramızdan əvvəl 206-cı ildə öz qoşunlarını Syanyana apardı. O, Syanyan sarayının atəşlə məhv edilməsini əmr etdi.
  İsgəndəriyyə kitabxanası İsgəndəriyyə
Mübahisəli Mübahisəli Mübahisəli,
İmperator kitabxanası Han sülaləsi 189 AD Təxliyə zamanı əhali köçürüldüyü üçün şəhərin çox hissəsi, o cümlədən imperiya kitabxanası qəsdən yandırıldı.:460–461
  Afina 267 Herullar E.ə. 267-ci ildə Herulların istilası zamanı dağıdılmış və V əsrdə böyük peristil binasına daxil edilmişdir.
  Afina 267 Herullar Kitabxana 267-ci ildə Herulların işğalı zamanı ciddi zədələnmiş və e.ə. 407-412-ci illərdə prefekt Herkuli tərəfindən bərpa edilmişdir.

364 The library had been heavily stocked by the aid of the perpetrator's non-Christian predecessor, .
  Library of the
392 Following the conversion of the temple of Serapis into a church, the library was destroyed.
Library of 976 & religious scholars All books consisting of "ancient science" were destroyed in a surge of ultra-orthodoxy.
Library of Rayy 1029 Sultan Burned the library and all books deemed as heretical.
Library at Sázava Monastery c.1097 Abbot Diethard After the removal of the Slavonic Benedictines from Sázava monastery, the new abbot destroyed all books written in .
Library of Banu Ammar (Dar al-'ilm) 1109 Crusaders Following 's surrender to , Genoese mercenaries burned and looted part of the city. The library, Dar al-'ilm, was burned.
Library of Ghazna 1151 ' City was sacked and burned for seven days. Libraries and palaces built by the were destroyed.
Library of Nishapur 1154 City partially destroyed, libraries sacked and burned.
  Nalanda India 1193 Nalanda University complex (the most renowned repository of Buddhist knowledge in the world at the time) was sacked by Turkic Muslim invaders under the perpetrator; this event is seen as a milestone in the .
1204 The Crusaders In 1204, the library became a target of the knights of the . The library itself was destroyed and its contents burned or sold.
's library Iran 1256 Library destroyed after the .
1258 Destroyed during the
Libraries of Constantinople 1453 Ottoman Turks After the Fall of Constantinople, hundreds upon thousands of manuscripts were removed, sold, or destroyed from Constantinople's libraries.
  1499 The library was ransacked by troops of Cardinal Cisneros in late 1499, the books were taken to the , where most of them were burned.
Buda 1526 Ottoman Turks Library was destroyed by Ottomans in the .
1530s Royal officials The monastic libraries were destroyed or dispersed following the by .
  , England 1548 Royal officials The smashing and looting of the Cornish colleges at Glasney and brought an end to the formal scholarship which had helped to sustain the and the Cornish cultural identity.
Records on Gozo 1551 Ottoman Turks Most paper records held on were lost or destroyed during an in 1551. The raid is said to have "led to the near total destruction of documentary evidence for life in medieval Gozo."
  of the , Mexico and Guatemala 1562-07-12 Bishop De Landa, a and conquistador during the , wrote: "We found a large number of books in these characters and, as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all, which they (the Maya) regretted to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction." Only three extant codices are widely considered unquestionably authentic.
  Wales 1646 The 's library was burnt during the by forces under the command of
1794/1944 / troops After the (1794), Russian troops, acting on orders from Czarina , seized the library's holdings and transported them to her personal collection at , where a year later it formed the cornerstone of the newly founded . Parts of the collections were damaged or destroyed as they were mishandled while being removed from the library and transported to Russia, and many were stolen. According to the historian , the Zaluskis' books, "could be bought at by the basket". The collection was later dispersed among several Russian libraries. Some parts of the Zaluski collection came back to Poland on two separate dates in the nineteenth century: 1842 and 1863. Government of the re-established reclaimed in the 1920s some of the former Załuski Library holdings from the following the . The original building was destroyed by the Germans during . soldiers also deliberately destroyed the collection (held in the at the time - see below) during the in October 1944, after collapse of the Warsaw Uprising. Only 1800 manuscripts and 30,000 printed materials from the original library survived the war. After the war, the original building was rebuilt under the .
  Library of Congress United States 1814 Troops of the British Army The library was destroyed during the when British forces set fire to the during the . This attack was retaliation for the burning of the Canadian towns of York and Niagara by American troops in 1813. Soon after its destruction, the Library of Congress was reestablished, largely thanks to the purchase of Thomas Jefferson's personal library in 1815. A second fire on December 24, 1851, destroyed a large portion of the Library of Congress' collection again, however, resulting in the loss of about two-thirds of the Thomas Jefferson collection and an estimated 35,000 books in total.
Several libraries and major Mexican cities Mexico 1856-1867 troops and During and after the , under the of and , many convent libraries and Church owned school libraries were sacked or destroyed by Liberal troops and looters, most notably included San Francisco Convent Library, which had over 16,000 books (great majority of them were unique collections of Spanish colonial era productions), the library was totally destroyed. Other important libraries included San Agustín Convent Library, was looted and burned. The Carmen de San Ángel Convent and its library were also totally destroyed (with a few books recovered), other affected convent libraries to different degrees were those of Santo Domingo, Las Capuchinas, Santa Clara, and the Church owned school Colegio de San Juan de Letrán, among others, all of them in Mexico City. Similar events happened all over Mexico, especially in major cities. Besides books, other items such as altarpieces, unique collections of colonial period , crosses, sculptures, gold and silver chalices (often robbed and melted) were also lost. Total estimates place the total of lost books and manuscripts at 100,000 by 1884.
  United States 1865-05-04 Troops of the Army During the , Union troops destroyed most buildings on the University of Alabama campus, including its library of approximately 7,000 volumes.
Mosque-Library Turnovo, Bulgaria Ottoman Empire 1877 Christian Bulgarians Turkish books in a library were destroyed when the mosque was burned.
  Burma 1885–1887 Troops of the British Army The looted the palace at the end of the (some of the artefacts which were taken away are still on display in the in London) and burned down the royal library.
  Hanlin Academy Library China 1900-06-23/4 Disputed. Possibly the besieging the west of the Legation Quarter, or possibly by the international defending forces. During the in at the height of the , the unofficial national library of China at the Hanlin Academy, which was adjacent to the British Legation, was set on fire (by whom and whether deliberately or accidentally is still disputed) and almost entirely destroyed. Many of the books and scrolls that survived the flames were subsequently looted by forces of the victorious foreign powers.
    Belgium 1914-08-25/1940-05 The Germans set the library on fire as part of the burning of the entire city in an attempt to use terror to quell Belgian resistance to occupation. The library caught again fire during the German invasion of Louvain, Belgium.
  Dublin Ireland 1922 Disputed. Poss. deliberately by or accidental ignition of their stored explosives due to shelling by forces. The was occupied by the at the start of the . The building was bombarded by the forces under .
  Several religious libraries Madrid 1931 and In 1931, several groups of radical leftists and anarchists, with the complicit inaction of the , in Madrid. Most included important libraries. Among them, the and the with a library of 20 000 volumes; the with a library of 80 000 volumes, considered the second best in Spain at the time, after the ; and the , with 20 000 volumes, including the archives of the García Villada, and 100 000 popular songs compiled by P. Antonio Martínez. Everything was lost.
  Oriental Library (also known as Dongfang Tushuguan) , 1932-02-01 During the in the Japanese forces bombed The and the attached Oriental Library, setting it alight and destroying most of its collection of more than 500,000 volumes.
  Berlin 1933-05-?? Members of the On 6 May 1933, the made an organised attack on the Institute of Sex Research. A few days later, the institute's library and archives were publicly hauled out and burned in the streets of the .
1934-10-13 Revolutionaries or bombs thrown by government airplanes During the , armed revolutionaries took and were repressed by the Spanish Army on orders by General Francisco Franco.
, , , , , , , China 1937–1945 World War II Japanese Troops During , Japanese military forces destroyed or partly destroyed numerous Chinese libraries, including libraries at the , (lost 200,000 of 350,000 books), the , T'ien-chin (totally destroyed, 224,000 books lost), Institute of Technology of He-pei, T'ien-chin (completely destroyed), Medical College of He-pei, Pao-ting (completely destroyed), Agricultural College of He-pei, Pao-ting (completely destroyed), University Ta Hsia, Shanghai (completely destroyed), University Kuang Hua, Shanghai (completely destroyed), National University of Hunan (completely destroyed).
  1941-04-06 Destroyed during the , on the order of Adolf Hitler himself. Around 500.000 volumes and all collections of the library were destroyed in one of the largest book bonfires in European history.
  Bulgaria 1943–1944 Allied air forces
  (housing of the , including the collection, as well as those of the and the )
1944 troops The library was deliberately set ablaze by troops in the aftermath of the suppression of the of 1944. The burning of this library was part of the general .
  Library of the
1944 troops The library (which housed the collections of the former ) was deliberately set ablaze by the troops in the aftermath of the suppression of the of 1944. The burning of this library was part of the general . Depending on source, 1800 to 3000 items constituting only 1.5% to 3% of the original collection (albeit the most valuable part) survived, partially due to the fact that the troops burning the library did not notice the entrance to the basement at the rear side of the building.
1944 troops In the aftermath of the suppression of the of 1944, the archives (one of the pair of archives housing of the , with the other located in ) were not only deliberately set ablaze, but the troops also entered each of the nine accessible fire-proof vaults in the underground shelter and meticulously burned one after another (entrance to the 10th was blocked by rubble, thus saving its contents). Part of the general .
Multiple private libraries all over Tokyo. Tokyo
1945 US army air force US firebombing of Tokyo in May 1945 destroyed many private Japanese libraries such as the 40,000 volumes in Hasegawa Nyozekan's house. The firebombing of Tokyo destroyed the majority of personal libraries there with many publications from before the war being permanently lost. Firebombing damaged Keio university in Tokyo.

1945 troops Before the outbreak of the library already contained 500,000 book volumes. In January 1945 it was set ablaze by retreating Nazi German soldiers. As a result, 300,000 books were destroyed, another 100,000 were looted.
1945 troops The retreating troops planted explosives in the building and triggered detonation, demolishing the entire structure and burning 90% of the collection, while the remaining 10% were looted in advance.
  Beirut 1975 The 1975 war fighting began in Beirut's downtown where the National Library was located. During the war years, the library suffered significant damage. According to some sources, 1200 of most precious manuscripts disappeared, and no memory is left of the Library's organization and operational procedures of that time.
  1976–1979 The Burnt most of the books and all bibliographical records. Only 20% of materials survived.
  1981-05-?? Plainclothes police officers and others In May 1981, a mob composed of thugs and plainclothes police officers went on a rampage in minority -dominated northern Jaffna, and . At least 95,000 volumes – the second largest library collection in – were destroyed.
1984-06-07 Prior to its destruction by Indian troops, the library hosted a vast collection of an estimated 20,000 literary works, including 11,107 books, 2,500 manuscripts, newspaper archives, historical letters, documents/files, and others mostly on Sikhism and in the Punjabi language but also on other topics and in other languages. Its destruction could have been a desperate act on failure to locate letters or documents that could have implicated the then Indian government and its leader Indira Gandhi.
 !   1989-12-2? Burnt down during the .
1992-05-17 Destroyed by the shellfire during the .
  1992-08-25 The library was completely destroyed during the .
& 1992-10-?? Destroyed during the .
City library Linköping Sweden 1996-09-20 Lack of evidence for trial After a year of repeated, minor arson attempts against an information bureau for immigrants located in the building, the library is eventually burnt down to the ground.
1998 Taliban militia It held 55,000 books and old manuscripts.
, , , , and other libraries 2003-04-?? Unknown members of the Bagdad population Several libraries looted, set on fire, damaged and destroyed in various degrees during the .
2011 Over 5,000 books cataloged in LibraryThing were seized.
  2011-12-?? Aftermath of street clashes during the A first estimate says that only 30,000 volumes have been saved of a total of 200,000.
  (Timbuktu library) Mali 2013-01-28 militias Before the library was burned down, it contained over 20,000 manuscripts with only a fraction of them having been scanned as of January 2013. Before and during the occupation, more than 300,000 from the Institute and from private libraries were saved and moved to more secure locations.
2013-03-12 Public riots 1,807 library books, technological infrastructure including seven patron workstations, a photocopy machine and a large screen television.
Libraries of 2013 headed by prime minister Digitization effort to reduce the nine original libraries to seven and save $C443,000 annual cost. Only 5–6% of the material was digitized, and scientific records and research created at a taxpayer cost of tens of millions of dollars were dumped, burned, and given away. Particularly noted are baseline data important to ecological research, and data from 19th century exploration.
2014-01-03 Unknown The Christian library was burned down, it contained over 80,000 manuscripts and books.
  (partially) 2014-02-07 Seven Bosnian rioters suspected of having started the fire; two (Salem Hatibović and Nihad Trnka) were arrested.

On 4 April 2014, Salem Hatibović and Nihad Trnka were released (although still under suspicion of terrorism), on conditions that they don't leave their places of residence and abstain from having any contact with each other. Both were also mandated to report to the police once every week.
During the large amounts of historical documents were destroyed when sections of the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, housed in the presidential building, were set on fire. Among the lost archival material were documents and gifts from the period, original documents from the 1878–1918 , as well as documentations of the interwar period, the 1941–1945 rule of the , papers from the following years, and about 15,000 files from the 1996–2003 .

In the repositories that were burnt, about 60 percent of the material was lost, according to estimates by Šaban Zahirović, the head of the Archives.

Mosul University libraries
and private libraries
Mosul 2014-12-?? Ongoing book burning Book burning.
Libraries in Al Anbar Governorate 2014-12-?? Ongoing book burning Book burning.
  Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) (partially?) Russia 2015-01-29 Unknown. Fire spread to 2000 m2 in third Floor. The roof caved in. Additional water damage. Ambient temperature too high for self-freezing of damaged Works. The library contains 14 million books, including rare texts in ancient Slavic languages, documents from the League of Nations, UNESCO, and parliamentary reports from countries including the US dating back as far as 1789.

(Central Public Library in Ninawa)
Mosul 2015-02-?? book burning 8,000 rare old books and manuscripts. Manuscripts from the 18th century, Syriac books printed in Iraq's first printing house in the 19th century, books from the Ottoman era, Iraqi newspapers from the early 20th century.
Howard College Law Library, Durban 2016-09-06 protestors Law Library, including early texts, burnt by protesters during confrontations with the police.

Natural disasters

Image Name of the library City Country Date of destruction Causes and/or account of destruction
, , , Japan 1923-09-01 An and the following fires. In September 1923 Tokyo Imperial University library lost 700,000 volumes to the setting off fires.
1931, 1972 It was damaged in the 1931 earthquake. Another earthquake in 1972 caused damage.
  Several libraries, archives, and museums , , , , 2004-12-26 The . See .


Image Name of the library City Country Date of destruction Account of destruction
  262 A fire caused by the or a Gothic invasion.
Library Denmark 1728 October
London, United Kingdom 1731-10-23
Library of Congress United States 1814-08-25
United Kingdom 1879-01-11 A fire broke out behind a wooden partition serving as a temporary wall during building operations. The fire caused extensive damage, with only 1,000 volumes saved from a stock of 50,000.
Library United States 1895-10-27
United States 1911-03-29
Lima Peru 1943-05-10
library United States 1966-04-18
1983 St Michael's House was destroyed as a result of the . The entire 40,000 volume library was lost including works from the 16th century.
Canada 1985-08-16 A lightning strike caused a short circuit in the electrical system which started a fire that destroyed the top floor of the building which housed the library.
  United States 1986-04-29 & 1986-09-03 At 10:52 a.m. on April 29, 1986, a fire alarm alerted staff and patrons of a fire in the library's main building. Over 350 firefighters responded to the blaze, which burned for about 7 hours. An estimated 400,000 books were destroyed and an additional 350,000 materials suffered significant amounts of smoke and water damaged. The fire was determined to have begun on the fifth tier of the northeast stack.
  Academy of Sciences Library 1988-02-14 The 1988 fire in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now ) broke out on Sunday, February 14, 1988, in the newspaper section on the third floor of the library. According to the library's acting director Valeriy Leonov, the sounded at 8:13 pm, when the library was closed for visitors. By the time the fire was extinguished the following afternoon, it had destroyed between 190,000 and 300,000 books of the total 12 million housed. About 3.5 million volumes initially became damp due to .
Norwich Library , England United Kingdom 1994-08-01 On August 1, 1994, Norwich Central Library caught fire due to an electrical fault. Over one hundred firefighters responded as the flames escalated and smoke became visible from twenty miles away. Over 100,000 books and thousands of historical documents were destroyed.
  Germany 2004-09-02
, Rennie Mackintosh Library , Scotland United Kingdom 2014-05-24 & 2018-06-15 On May 24, 2014, a fire began inside the Charles Rennie Mackintosh building at the Glasgow School of Art. The Mackintosh Library was lost in the blaze; however all students and staff were directed to safety and no injuries resulted. The fire began after gases from an expanding foam canister being used in a student project were ignited by a sparking projector. At the time of the incident, the building's recently installed fire suppression system was not yet operational. While the Mackintosh building was under renovation following the 2014 fire, a second fire broke out around 11:15 p.m. on June 15, 2018. Larger in scale than the previous fire, the damages that resulted destroyed all of the building's renovation progress, as well as part of the school that had been left untouched by the first fire.
Russia 2015-01-31
Library 2015-12-18 In the very early hours of December 18, 2015, the Mzuzu University library caught fire. Although the library's wooden structure and carpeting spread the flames rapidly, students, staff, and firefighters on the scene attempted to rescue materials by carrying them out of the building and away from the flames. But by 5:00 a.m. the library collapsed, resulting in the loss of 45,000 volumes. Then a sudden rainstorm heightened the damage by soaking materials that had been carried out of the burning building.
  in Rio de Janeiro 2018-09-02 Not yet investigated. See . Museum library was also destroyed.
  (partially) 2021-04-18 Partially destroyed by the . However, the library's fire detection systems stopped the destruction of the entire collection.


  1. Fadhil, Muna. . The Guardian. 26 February 2015. İstifadə tarixi: 26 February 2015.
  2. . National Archives (ingilis). 2016-08-15. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-01-24.
  3. Fineberg, Gail. "Moving Toward a Safer Library. Compliance Office Issues Fire Safety Report," Library of Congress Information Bulletin 60 no. 3, 65, March 2001
  4. L.A., "Inspection Scorches Fire Safety at LC," American Libraries, 32 no. 3 17–18, March 2001
  5. Fixen, Edward L. and Vidar S. Landa,"Avoiding the Smell of Burning Data," Consulting-Specifying Engineer, May 2006, Vol. 39 Issue 5, p47-51
  6. Sima Qian. Records of the Grand Historian, Biography of Emperor Gaozu.
  7. . New Advent. İstifadə tarixi: May 9, 2022.
  8. Lewis, Bernard; Lloyd-Jones, Hugh. . The New York Review. İstifadə tarixi: 5 December 2014.
  9. Chakra, Hayden. . About History. April 14, 2021. İstifadə tarixi: May 9, 2022.
  10. de Crespigny, Rafe. Fire over Luoyang: A History of the Later Han Dynasty 23-220 AD. Leiden: Brill. 2017. 419. ISBN 9789004324916.
  11. Dirk Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity, (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2016), 240.
  12. John Edwin Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship From the End of the Sixth Century B.C. to the End of the Middle Ages, (Cambridge University Press, 2011), 113.
  13. Ann Christy, Christians in Al-Andalus:711–1000, (Curzon Press, 2002), 142.
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