Bəlkə, bunu nəzərdə tuturdunuz:
  • Türkiyə üçün miniatür
    military responded with a ferocious counterinsurgency campaign that led to the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, most of them Turkish Kurdish civilians, and the...
    375 KB (25.406 söz) - 04:55, 25 sentyabr 2024
  • Böyük təqib üçün miniatür
    Lactantius. De mortibus persecutorum|De Mortibus Persecutorum (Book on the Deaths of the Persecutors) ca. 313–15. Fletcher, William, trans. Of the Manner...
    22 KB (2.230 söz) - 02:50, 6 avqust 2024
  • Azərbaycanda Stalin repressiyaları üçün miniatür
    archival data increases camp deaths by 19.4 percent to 1,258,537"; pg 77: "The best archivally based estimate of Gulag excess deaths at present is 1.6 million...
    240 KB (16.505 söz) - 16:33, 23 avqust 2024
  • COVID-19 pandemiyası üçün miniatür
    1-10-2021. İstifadə tarixi: 2-10-2021. "COVID-19 Update: 228 New Cases, 4 Deaths, 1,080 In Isolation". Barbados GIS. 1-10-2021. İstifadə tarixi: 2-10-2021...
    48 KB (8.554 söz) - 05:53, 2 iyun 2024
  • İspan qripi üçün miniatür
    3389/fmicb.2017.01041. ISSN 1664-302X. "Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic". National Institutes of Health. 23 September...
    130 KB (11.475 söz) - 18:47, 25 sentyabr 2024

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