{{ #invoke:Chart | bar chart | group names = Almalar : Bananlar : Portağallar | colors = green : yellow : orange | group 1 = 40 : 50 : 60 <!-- almalar --> | group 2 = 20 : 60 : 12 <!-- bananlar --> | group 3 = 55 : 14 : 33 <!-- portağallar --> | units suffix = _kq | x legends = Əvvəl : İndi : Sonra }}
- Almalar
- Bananlar
- Portağallar
--<source lang=lua>
keywords are used for languages: they are the names of the actual
parameters of the template
local keywords = {
barChart = 'bar chart',
pieChart = 'pie chart',
width = 'width',
height = 'height',
stack = 'stack',
colors = 'colors',
group = 'group',
xlegend = 'x legends',
tooltip = 'tooltip',
links = 'links',
defcolor = 'default color',
scalePerGroup = 'scale per group',
unitsPrefix = 'units prefix',
unitsSuffix = 'units suffix',
groupNames = 'group names',
hideGroupLegends = 'hide group legends',
slices = 'slices',
slice = 'slice',
radius = 'radius',
percent = 'percent',
} -- here is what you want to translate
local defColors = {'red','red',
local hideGroupLegends;
local function nulOrWhitespace( s )
return not s or mw.text.trim( s ) == ''
local function createGroupList( tab, legends, cols )
if #legends > 1 then
table.insert( tab, mw.text.tag( 'div' ) )
local list = {}
local spanStyle = "padding:0 1em;background-color:%s;margin-right:1em;"
for gi = 1, #legends do
local span = mw.text.tag( 'span', { style = string.format( spanStyle, cols[gi] ) }, ' ' ) .. ' '.. legends[gi]
table.insert( list, mw.text.tag( 'li', {}, span ) )
table.insert( tab,
mw.text.tag( 'ul',
table.concat( list, '\n' )
table.insert( tab, '</div>' )
function pieChart( frame )
local res, imslices, args = {}, {}, frame.args
local radius
local values, colors, names, legends, links = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
local delimiter = args.delimiter or ':'
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
function getArg( s, def, subst, with )
local result = args[keywords[s]] or def or ''
if subst and with then result = mw.ustring.gsub( result, subst, with ) end
return result
function analyzeParams()
function addSlice( i, slice )
local value, name, color, link = unpack( mw.text.split( slice, '%s*' .. delimiter .. '%s*' ) )
values[i] = tonumber( lang:parseFormattedNumber( value ) )
or error( string.format( 'Slice %d: "%s", first item("%s") could not be parsed as a number', i, value or '', sliceStr ) )
colors[i] = not nulOrWhitespace( color ) and color or defColors[i * 2]
names[i] = name or ''
links[i] = link
radius = getArg( 'radius', 150 )
hideGroupLegends = not nulOrWhitespace( args[keywords.hideGroupLegends] )
local slicesStr = getArg( 'slices' )
local prefix = getArg( 'unitsPrefix', '', '_', ' ' )
local suffix = getArg( 'unitsSuffix', '', '_', ' ' )
local percent = args[keywords.percent]
local sum = 0
local i, value = 0
for slice in mw.ustring.gmatch( slicesStr or '', "%b()" ) do
i = i + 1
addSlice( i, mw.ustring.match( slice, '^%(%s*(.-)%s*%)$' ) )
for k, v in pairs(args) do
local ind = mw.ustring.match( k, '^' .. keywords.slice .. '%s+(%d+)$' )
if ind then addSlice( tonumber( ind ), v ) end
for _, val in ipairs( values ) do sum = sum + val end
for i, value in ipairs( values ) do
local addprec = percent and string.format( ' (%0.1f%%)', value / sum * 100 ) or ''
legends[i] = mw.ustring.format( '%s: %s%s%s%s', names[i], prefix, lang:formatNum( value ), suffix, addprec )
links[i] = mw.text.trim( links[i] or mw.ustring.format( '[[#noSuchAnchor|%s]]', legends[i] ) )
function addRes( ... )
for _, v in pairs( { ... } ) do
table.insert( res, v )
function createImageMap()
addRes( '{{#tag:imagemap|', 'Fayl:Circle frame.svg{{!}}' .. ( radius * 2 ) .. 'px' )
addRes( unpack( imslices ) )
addRes( 'desc none', '}}' )
function drawSlice( i, q, start )
local color = colors[i]
local angle = start * 2 * math.pi
local sin, cos = math.abs( math.sin( angle ) ), math.abs( math.cos( angle ) )
local wsin, wcos = sin * radius, cos * radius
local s1, s2, w1, w2, w3, w4, width, border
local style
if q == 1 then
border = 'left'
w1, w2, w3, w4 = 0, 0, wsin, wcos
s1, s2 = 'bottom', 'left'
elseif q == 2 then
border = 'bottom'
w1, w2, w3, w4 = 0, wcos, wsin, 0
s1, s2 = 'bottom', 'right'
elseif q == 3 then
border = 'right'
w1, w2, w3, w4 = wsin, wcos, 0, 0
s1, s2 = 'top', 'right'
border = 'top'
w1, w2, w3, w4 = wsin, 0, 0, wcos
s1, s2 = 'top', 'left'
local style = string.format( 'position:absolute;%s:%spx;%s:%spx;width:%spx;height:%spx', s1, radius, s2, radius, radius, radius )
if start <= ( q - 1 ) * 0.25 then
style = string.format( '%s;border:0;background-color:%s', style, color )
style = string.format( '%s;border-width:%spx %spx %spx %spx;border-%s-color:%s', style, w1, w2, w3, w4, border, color )
addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = 'border: solid transparent;' .. style }, '' ) )
function createSlices()
function coordsOfAngle( angle )
return ( 100 + math.floor( 100 * math.cos( angle ) ) ) .. ' ' .. ( 100 - math.floor( 100 * math.sin( angle ) ) )
local sum, start = 0, 0
for _, value in ipairs( values ) do sum = sum + value end
for i, value in ipairs(values) do
local poly = { 'poly 100 100' }
local startC, endC = start / sum, ( start + value ) / sum
local startQ, endQ = math.floor( startC * 4 + 1 ), math.floor( endC * 4 + 1 )
for q = startQ, math.min( endQ, 4 ) do drawSlice( i, q, startC ) end
for angle = startC * 2 * math.pi, endC * 2 * math.pi, 0.02 do
table.insert( poly, coordsOfAngle( angle ) )
table.insert( poly, coordsOfAngle( endC * 2 * math.pi ) .. ' 100 100 ' .. links[i] )
table.insert( imslices, table.concat( poly, ' ' ) )
start = start + values[i]
if #values == 0 then error( "no slices found - can't draw pie chart" ) end
addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( "max-width:%spx", radius * 2 ) } ) )
addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( 'position:relative;min-width:%spx;min-height:%spx;max-width:%spx;overflow:hidden;', radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2 ) } ) )
addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( 'position:absolute;min-width:%spx;min-height:%spx;overflow:hidden;', radius * 2, radius * 2 ) } ) )
addRes( '</div>' ) -- close "position:relative" div that contains slices and imagemap.
addRes( '</div>' ) -- close "position:relative" div that contains slices and imagemap.
if not hideGroupLegends then
createGroupList( res, legends, colors ) -- legends
addRes( '</div>' ) -- close containing div
return frame:preprocess( table.concat( res, '\n' ) )
function barChart( frame )
local res = {}
local args = frame.args -- can be changed to frame:getParent().args
local values, xlegends, colors, tooltips, yscales = {}, {}, {}, {} ,{}, {}, {}
local groupNames, unitsSuffix, unitsPrefix, links = {}, {}, {}, {}
local width, height, stack, delimiter = 500, 350, false, ':'
local chartWidth, chartHeight, defcolor, scalePerGroup
local numGroups, numValues
local scaleWidth
function validate()
function asGroups( name, tab, toDuplicate, emptyOK )
if #tab == 0 and not emptyOK then
error( "must supply values for " .. keywords[name] )
if #tab == 1 and toDuplicate then
for i = 2, numGroups do tab[i] = tab[1] end
if #tab > 0 and #tab ~= numGroups then
error ( keywords[name] .. ' should contain the same number of items as the number of groups (' .. numGroups .. ')')
-- do all sorts of validation here, so we can assume all params are good from now on.
-- among other things, replace numerical values with mw.language:parseFormattedNumber() result
chartHeight = height - 50
numGroups = #values
numValues = #values[1]
defcolor = defcolor or 'blue'
colors[1] = colors[1] or defcolor
scaleWidth = scalePerGroup and 80 * numGroups or 100
chartWidth = width -scaleWidth
asGroups( 'unitsPrefix', unitsPrefix, true, true )
asGroups( 'unitsSuffix', unitsSuffix, true, true )
asGroups( 'colors', colors, true, true )
asGroups( 'groupNames', groupNames, false, false )
if stack and scalePerGroup then
error( string.format( 'Illegal settings: %s and %s are incompatible.', keyword.stack, keyword.scalePerGroup ) )
for gi = 2, numGroups do
if #values[gi] ~= numValues then error( keywords.group .. " " .. gi .. " does not have same number of values as " .. keywords.group .. " 1" ) end
if #xlegends ~= numValues then error( 'Illegal number of ' .. keywords.xlegend .. '. Should be exatly ' .. numValues ) end
function extractParams()
function testone( keyword, key, val, tab )
i = keyword == key and 0 or key:match( keyword .. "%s+(%d+)" )
if not i then return end
i = tonumber( i ) or error("Expect numerical index for key " .. keyword .. " instead of '" .. key .. "'")
if i > 0 then tab[i] = {} end
for s in mw.text.gsplit( val, '%s*' .. delimiter .. '%s*' ) do
table.insert( i == 0 and tab or tab[i], s )
return true
for k, v in pairs( args ) do
if k == keywords.width then
width = tonumber( v )
if not width or width < 200 then
error( 'Illegal width value (must be a number, and at least 200): ' .. v )
elseif k == keywords.height then
height = tonumber( v )
if not height or height < 200 then
error( 'Illegal height value (must be a number, and at least 200): ' .. v )
elseif k == keywords.stack then stack = true
elseif k == keywords.scalePerGroup then scalePerGroup = true
elseif k == keywords.defcolor then defcolor = v
elseif k == keywords.hideGroupLegends then hideGroupLegends = not nulOrWhitespace( v )
for keyword, tab in pairs( {
group = values,
xlegend = xlegends,
colors = colors,
tooltip = tooltips,
unitsPrefix = unitsPrefix,
unitsSuffix = unitsSuffix,
groupNames = groupNames,
links = links,
} ) do
if testone( keywords[keyword], k, v, tab )
then break
function roundup( x ) -- returns the next round number: eg., for 30 to 39.999 will return 40, for 3000 to 3999.99 wil return 4000. for 10 - 14.999 will return 15.
local ordermag = 10 ^ math.floor( math.log10( x ) )
local normalized = x / ordermag
local top = normalized >= 1.5 and ( math.floor( normalized + 1 ) ) or 1.5
return ordermag * top, top, ordermag
function calcHeightLimits() -- if limits were passed by user, use ithem, otherwise calculate. for "stack" there's only one limet.
if stack then
local sums = {}
for _, group in pairs( values ) do
for i, val in ipairs( group ) do sums[i] = ( sums[i] or 0 ) + val end
local sum = math.max( unpack( sums ) )
for i = 1, #values do yscales[i] = sum end
for i, group in ipairs( values ) do yscales[i] = math.max( unpack( group ) ) end
for i, scale in ipairs( yscales ) do yscales[i] = roundup( scale ) end
if not scalePerGroup then for i = 1, #values do yscales[i] = math.max( unpack( yscales ) ) end end
function tooltip( gi, i, val )
if tooltips and tooltips[gi] and not nulOrWhitespace( tooltips[gi][i] ) then return tooltips[gi][i], true end
local groupName = not nulOrWhitespace( groupNames[gi] ) and groupNames[gi] .. ': ' or ''
local prefix = unitsPrefix[gi] or unitsPrefix[1] or ''
local suffix = unitsSuffix[gi] or unitsSuffix[1] or ''
return mw.ustring.gsub(groupName .. prefix .. mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( tonumber( val ) or 0 ) .. suffix, '_', ' '), false
function calcHeights( gi, i, val )
local barHeight = math.floor( val / yscales[gi] * chartHeight + 0.5 ) -- add half to make it "round" insstead of "trunc"
local top, base = chartHeight - barHeight, 0
if stack then
local rawbase = 0
for j = 1, gi - 1 do rawbase = rawbase + values[j][i] end -- sum the "i" value of all the groups below our group, gi.
base = math.floor( chartHeight * rawbase / yscales[gi] ) -- normally, and especially if it's "stack", all the yscales must be equal.
return barHeight, top - base
function groupBounds( i )
local setWidth = math.floor( chartWidth / numValues )
local setOffset = ( i - 1 ) * setWidth
return setOffset, setWidth
function calcx( gi, i )
local setOffset, setWidth = groupBounds( i )
if stack then
local barWidth = math.min( 38, math.floor( 0.8 * setWidth ) )
return setOffset + (setWidth - barWidth) / 2, barWidth
setWidth = 0.85 * setWidth
local barWidth = math.floor( 0.75 * setWidth / numGroups )
local left = setOffset + math.floor( ( gi - 1 ) / numGroups * setWidth )
return left, barWidth
function drawbar( gi, i, val )
local color, tooltip, custom = colors[gi] or defcolor or 'blue', tooltip( gi, i, val )
local left, barWidth = calcx( gi, i )
local barHeight, top = calcHeights( gi, i, val )
local style = string.format("position:absolute;left:%spx;top:%spx;height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;background-color:%s;overflow:hidden;",
left, top, barHeight, barWidth, barWidth, color)
local link = links[gi] and links[gi][i] or ''
local img = not nulOrWhitespace( link ) and mw.ustring.format( '[[File:Transparent.png|1000px|link=%s|%s]]', link, custom and tooltip or '' ) or ''
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = style, title = tooltip, }, img ) )
function drawYScale()
function drawSingle( gi, color, width, single )
local yscale = yscales[gi]
local _, top, ordermag = roundup( yscale * 0.999 )
local numnotches = top <= 1.5 and top * 4
or top < 4 and top * 2
or top
local valStyleStr =
single and 'position:absolute;height=20px;text-align:right;vertical-align:middle;width:%spx;top:%spx;padding:0 2px'
or 'position:absolute;height=20px;text-align:right;vertical-align:middle;width:%spx;top:%spx;left:3px;background-color:%s;color:white;font-weight:bold;padding:0 2px'
local notchStyleStr = 'position:absolute;height=1px;min-width:5px;top:%spx;left:%spx;border:1px solid %s;'
for i = 1, numnotches do
local val = i / numnotches * yscale
local y = chartHeight - calcHeights( gi, 1, val )
local div = mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( valStyleStr, width - 10, y - 10, color ) }, mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( tonumber( val ) or 0 ) )
table.insert( res, div )
div = mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( notchStyleStr, y, width - 4, color ) }, '' )
table.insert( res, div )
if scalePerGroup then
local colWidth = 80
local colStyle = "position:absolute;height:%spx;min-width:%spx;left:%spx;border-right:1px solid %s;color:%s"
for gi = 1, numGroups do
local left = ( gi - 1 ) * colWidth
local color = colors[gi] or defcolor
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( colStyle, chartHeight, colWidth, left, color, color ) } ) )
drawSingle( gi, color, colWidth )
table.insert( res, '</div>' )
drawSingle( 1, 'black', scaleWidth, true )
function drawXlegends()
local setOffset, setWidth
local legendDivStyleFormat = "position:absolute;left:%spx;top:10px;min-width:%spx;text-align:center;veritical-align:top;"
local tickDivstyleFormat = "position:absolute;left:%spx;height:10px;width:1px;border-left:1px solid black;"
for i = 1, numValues do
if not nulOrWhitespace( xlegends[i] ) then
setOffset, setWidth = groupBounds( i )
-- setWidth = 0.85 * setWidth
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( legendDivStyleFormat, setOffset - 5, setWidth - 10 ) }, xlegends[i] or '' ) )
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( tickDivstyleFormat, setOffset + setWidth / 2 ) }, '' ) )
function drawChart()
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( 'max-width:%spx;padding-top:10px;', width ) } ) )
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format("position:relative;min-height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;", height, width, width ) } ) )
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format("position:relative;min-height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;border-left:1px black solid;border-bottom:1px black solid;margin-left:%spx;", chartHeight, chartWidth, chartWidth, scaleWidth ) } ) )
for gi, group in pairs( values ) do
for i, val in ipairs( group ) do
drawbar( gi, i, val )
table.insert( res, '</div>' )
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format("position:absolute;height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;top:0px;left:0px;", chartHeight, scaleWidth, scaleWidth, scaleWidth ) } ) )
table.insert( res, '</div>' )
table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( "position:absolute;top:%spx;left:%spx;width:%spx;", chartHeight, scaleWidth, chartWidth ) } ) )
table.insert( res, '</div>' )
table.insert( res, '</div>' )
if not hideGroupLegends then
createGroupList( res, groupNames, colors )
table.insert( res, '</div>' )
return table.concat( res, "\n" )
return {
['bar-chart'] = barChart,
[keywords.barChart] = barChart,
[keywords.pieChart] = pieChart,