Ceyms D. Montqomeri (ing. James D. Montgomery; 13 aprel 1963) — ABŞ sosioloqu və iqtisadçısı. Endryus Universitetinin bakalavrı (1985); Massaçusets Texnologiya İnstitutunun fəlsəfəs doktoru (1989). Viskonsin Universitetinin sosiologiya professoru (2000-ci ildən). Amerika Sosiologiya Assosiasiyasının C. Kuleman mükafatı laureatı (1999).
Сeyms Montqomeri | |
James D. Montgomery | |
Doğum tarixi | |
Elm sahəsi | İqtisadi nəzəriyyə |
Elmi dərəcəsi | fəlsəfə doktoru |
İş yeri | Viskonsin-Medison Universiteti |
Alma-mater | MTİ |
Təhsili |
Əsas əsərlər
- "The Logic of Role Theory: Role Conflict and Stability of the Self-Concept", Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 29 (Yanvar 2005): 33-71.
- "A Formalization and Test of the Religious Economies Model", American Sociological Review, 68 (Oktyabr 2003): 782-809.
- "The Self as a Fuzzy Set of Roles, Role Theory as a Fuzzy System", Sociological Methodology, 30 (2000): 261-314.
- "Adverse Selection and Employment Cycles", Journal of Labor Economics, 17 (Aprel 1999): 281-97.
- "Toward a Role-Theoretic Conception of Embeddedness", American Journal of Sociology, 104 (İyul 1998): 92-125.
- "The Structure of Social Exchange Networks: A Game-Theoretic Reformulation of Blau's Model", Sociological Methodology, 26 (1996): 193-225.
- "Rationality and the Framing of Religious Choices", with Mark Chaves, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 35 (İyun 1996): 128-44.
- "Contemplations on the Economic Approach to Religious Behavior", American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, '86 (May 1996): 443-447.
- "The Dynamics of the Religious Economy: Exit, Voice, and Denominational Secularization", , 8 (Fevral 1996): 81-110.
- "Revisiting Tally's Corner: Mainstream Norms, Cognitive Dissonance, and Underclass Behavior", Rationality and Society, 6 (Oktyabr 1994): 462-88.