İzahFüreya Koral in her studio, 1965 (cropped).jpg
English: "Although she is not a surrealist, her treatment of the subject matter is irrational at times. Hers is a poetic irrationalism. It is not forced like that of most surrealists. [...] Her craftsmanship, on the other hand, is perfect, -too perfect to be assertive. It silently submits to her creative function like a good tool."
Bülent Ecevit on Füreya Koral's works, from his article published in "Turkish American News" in 1953
ecevityazilari.org consists of 1,500 Turkish- and English-language articles written by Bülent Ecevit between 1950 and 1961. While much is known of Ecevit's long career as a statesman–beginning with his service as Minister of Labor 1961 and lasting well into the 2000s–this early chapter in his life remains largely unknown. The cultural commentary, art criticism, political analyses and travel writings that he produced in the 1950s constitute an extraordinarily prolific and consistent body of work on the importance of civic culture and democracy.
Füreya Koral in her studio, 1965
#SALTResearch, Eliza Day Archive
Repository: SALT Research
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